About us

Kudu Capital AG is a Swiss-based principal investment company with an active focus on investments in Africa.


Kudu focuses on bridging the capital and technology gap between African entrepreneurs and global investors; with a clear aim to de-risk the perceived “unknowns” that are typically highlighted by potential investors evaluating opportunities in Africa.

We provide support to entrepreneurs from business idea conception, idea development/refinement to the implementation of the business plan.

Why Africa

It is a known fact that Africa is the last frontier for long-term growth and returns.

Kudu understands that to attract the much needed capital and know-how to harness the huge long-term growth and the return potentials in Africa, the perceived associated risks must be hedged / underwritten to a large   extent by  the local promoters (“Skin-in-the-game”).


We have a team of  highly experienced industry professionals with diverse backgrounds, operating within international best practice and governance standards who help nurture entrepreneurs across the various sectors of our investments.